Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Morning!   This is my first time blogging, and I'm really excited.  We have a lot going on with the foundation and the school.  Vanessa Somos who will also be blogging is at the school writing some health curriculum for the girls so that whether or not they pass their state exams they will leave with an awareness of how their bodies work and how to take care of themselves.  Powerful information  that they can teach to their villages.  Information about diet for example.  I am seeing most of the same diet problems that I see here in the pueblos, which have led to diabetes and obesity.   We want to help them avoid that.

Next year we will be having a fundraiser, a wonderful evening of Jazz and African rhythms  with Darius Brubeck among others.

There is a new logo that you can see on the blog.  I drew a Maasai necklace and we are using it on the business cards and letterhead.   I designed Humankind Foundation to be an umbrella for whatever education minded projects arrived in the world but I realize now that we are focused on the Maasai and I'm not going to go off to New Guinea or Mongolia to start another project at my age.  Our impact and the changes we have made have been so thorough that we want to keep going north of Monduli.